My best hack for getting in a workout for mom? Head to the driveway! This method of movement has been a key player in making physical activity feel more like play time for everyone. Let’s lace up our sneakers and dive into an easy, free example of a driveway circuit workout!
The one thing I’ve learned to do with my kids that always set us up for a better day:
Get outside.
Regardless of the weather, moods, or what’s going on inside the house, we always plan and go outside.
Capitalizing on this part of our daily routine, I’ve also learned that this is a prime opportunity to get a great workout in.
And if you’ve been around here, you know how much I love and promote quick workouts. One of my very favorite forms of this is the…
Driveway Workout.
What is a Driveway Workout?
A driveway workout is any type of movement that you do outdoors, typically in the driveway. It can be any combination of exercises in a circuit (like HIIT, or high intensity interval training) or something as simple as jump roping. For today’s purpose we are talking about a circuit workout that is:
- a series of beginner exercises or movement
- realistic for a mom with kids of any age
- Suitable for even colder weather (just dress accordingly!)
Why you’ll love them:
Similar to the list of perks that I talked about in my guide to quick workouts at home, driveway workouts are:
- Free
- Simple
- Ideal for outdoors– get that fresh air and step away from the laundry pile!
- Flexible– The format is built around breaks and knowing that interruptions with kids will happen 🙂
- Mobile–This concept travels so well. On vacation? Staying the weekend with grandma? Do a “driveway” workout anywhere!
- More than exercise
I want to hit this last point really quick.
Obviously, workouts are designed to improve your fitness and overall endurance. However, I’ve learned that driveway workouts represent far more; it’s an outward display of my dedication, commitment and priorities.
My kids (and sometimes my neighbors!) see the simplicity of exercise and how it truly can (and should) be:
- Enjoyable
- A form of play– have fun! God created you to move your body!
- Uncomplicated–possible with the resources you have right now
Plus, I’m modeling that taking care of me and my body happens right alongside of my kids. That alone speaks volumes.
What do I need?
You don’t need anything!
In this post, I’ll show you how to do a no equipment circuit that only requires you and some supportive shoes!
I will say, that while no product is required, I’ve learned to love 3 simple pieces of equipment. These add variety, challenge and overall enjoyment to many of my home workouts. They are:
- Jump Rope
- Resistance Band (or similar product)
- Yoga Mat or towel
You don’t need these today but if you’re looking for an alternative for warm up/walk/jog a jump rope is super fun.
A resistance band can be used to modify pushups, or you can look up some super simple resistance band exercises to mix it up (You can read more in my best exercise equipment for busy moms post).
How do I do a Driveway Circuit Workout?
Head outside and enjoy the fresh air. This full body workout circuit is easy enough to do right now!
Not exactly sure how to do a move? I’ve also linked tutorials below so just press play and let that video pop up.
- Warm Up– 1-5 minutes of play
- 10 Squats
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10 Lunges (per leg)
- 1 minute jog
- 10 squats
- 10 speed skaters
- 10 push ups (or kneeling pushups)
- 1 minute of walk
- If you have a little more in you, challenge yourself to 30 second plank
How do I do these Exercises?
Warm Up/Jog/Walk
These segments of the circuit can look different depending on you and your kiddos’ needs. I always start by warming through play with my kids such as:
- Kick the soccer ball
- Tag
- Walk up and down street while they scooter
- Chase them on their bike (easy jog)
If you’ve got a little one, a stroller walk or just walking up and down driveway while they play on blanket works. Jogging in place is always a great option to stay close by.
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips (shoulder width apart)
- Keep chest up and look out straight in front of you, knees directly over your toes
- Squat down by lowering your bottom like you are sitting down in a chair.
- Return to starting position, pushing through your heels (keeping weight on your feet)
- Repeat
Note: You can put arms straight out in front of you rather than on your head as video shows
Jumping Jack
- Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart with arms down at your side.
- In one jumping motion, spread your feet out to the sides and lift your arms above your head.
- Reverse the motion back to the starting position.
- Repeat
- Stand with feet hip width apart
- Step forward with one leg keeping knee above ankle and your upper body straight up
- Bend both knees until your front leg is parallel to the ground (bent at 90-degree angle) and back heel lifted
- Push off your front leg and return to starting position
- Repeat 10 times and then switch legs and repeat 10 times
Speed Skaters
- Stand with feed shoulder width apart and arms at side
- In one motion, jump to the right with right leg and cross left leg behind right foot. Reach down with left arm and touch right foot, swinging right arm behind you
- Jump to the left with left leg and cross right leg behind left foot. Reach down with right arm and touch left foot, swinging left arm behind you
- Repeat
Note: These are also commonly known as skater hops.
- Position yourself on ground on hands and toes with your hands slighty wider than your shoulders, keeping legs straight (this is known as plank position)
- Slowly lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor, keeping back straight
- Push yourself back up to start position
- Repeat
Note: You can do a modified version on your knees (called knee-ups), against wall/garage (wall push-up) or even use resistance band and do a chest press
Tips and Tricks
- These are beginner level exercises.
- Want more? You can always add the number of exercises in each segment (ex: do 20 jumping jacks instead of 10)
- Looking for strength training? Based on your comfort and knowledge, you can add weight or resistance to exercises (squat with dumbbell, pumpkin, etc).
- These exercises could be done indoors or on a porch, patio or other location. Walk or jog in place as needed
- If you’re working out with toddlers, toys such as bubble machines, chalk, water table, or sensory bins are great activities to keep them busy
- Turn on some music and have fun!
- Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program
Substitutions and Variations
I could list hundreds of different exercises you could swap into a circuit. And you may want to if you have any restrictions. For example, if you can’t do squats, you may try an alternative like floor bridge.
Some of my favorite exercises that you could include are the following:
- mountain climbers
- star jumps
- burpees
- squat jump
- high knees
- bird dogs
- dead Bug
- step-Ups
How many times do I do this circuit?
If you’re looking for quick burst of energy, do 1 time.
If you’re looking for more of a structured workout, do it 2-3 times or as many times as you desire
What is the fastest way to get fit?
If you’re looking for lose weight, tone up or just improve your health, the best way is consistency.
So make a workout plan that you know you can stick to.
And think of this plan more as a workout schedule. Meaning you know you’re going to schedule in movement at some point during the day. Again, pairing fitness with outdoor play is a sure way for a mom to be successful.
And for what it’s worth this circuit– push ups, lunges, squats– are all exercises that can make a difference in your body along with a healthy balanced diet.
So how do busy moms exercise?
Bottom line, get moving. Don’t overthink this exercise thing or wake up super early, get a babysitter, or spend a lot of money (unless you want to ,of course). Whether you’re a stay at home mom, working mom, or a mix of both, quick workouts are ideal for any busy mom. You can:
- Involve your kids on the driveway– have the count reps or do along with you
- Combine play and exercise
- Exercise as a family
- And fit movement into small chunks of time
You now have the tools in your pocket to do a driveway workout. And don’t forget, I have other resources for you too.
Please check out:
- The Ultimate Guide to Quick workouts at home
- 5 Best YouTube Workouts for Mom and Kids
- 10 Seasonal Activities for Fall Fitness
- Be a Neat Mom (What is NEAT exercise?)
And if you’re looking for an easy workout plan, be sure to Download my free 7 day movement challenge!
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