Struggling to find time for exercise? Look no further! Quick workouts at home are the solution for moms. Throw out all those excuses about time, your clingy toddler, and lack of sleep. Embrace the reality of motherhood! And once you change your mindset of exercise and experience the freedom of short workouts, you’ll not only stay motivated but find joy in moving your body.
This post discusses just how powerful these short workouts are, both physically and mentally. And with no equipment necessary, home workouts fit into any routine. Time to get that heart pumping, mama!
Finding time to Sweat in Motherhood
One of my favorite ways to spend free time is by working out. I actually love the whole idea of lacing up my shoes, heading to the rec center and breaking a sweat. Oh, and not to mention the wave of endorphins that seems to calm my mind and give energy afterwards.
Even after my son was born, I still managed to use my free time for a sweat session as much as possible.
But that free time quickly fizzled after the birth of my second child. Our whole schedule was different, and I was officially a stay-at-home mom. Not only leaving the house impossible, but it was just plain hard to find any time to exercise.
Even if I could break away, by the time I factored in drive time, class time, and childcare I wasn’t sure it was the best thing for my family. And that shower afterwards? Yeah, rarely happened!
As moms, a magnitude of barriers can interfere with breaking a sweat. They include:
- Sleep schedules
- Weather/daylight savings
- Sick kids/school cancellations
- Household chores/responsibilities
- Motivation
You see, it’s not our kids that get in the way, but rather the unpredictability of our routines.
Now, I will say as my daughter has gotten older, there have been “seasons” where a dance fitness class or morning run with friends were possible. But then we’d hit another season, a new schedule change, another barrier (Covid), etc.
So what gives? I know I’m not alone in this.
But mamas. We cannot use lack of time as an excuse. We will always be short on time! And our sleep quality, mental health, stamina and even longevity of life depend on exercise. So, what’s the solution?
We need to use what we have. Start where we are. And do what we can.
And not complicate it.
Sound familiar? The idea of “Brief and Balanced” applies directly to our fitness. By embracing the idea of quick workouts in our homes, we can empower our bodies and experience the powerful health transforming benefits!
What is considered a Quick Workout?
Generally anything less than 30 minutes is a short workout. But I personally, consider it anything 20 minutes or less. You and I both know those 10 minutes are worth gold in our day!
It can be as simple as playing freeze tag or a more specific format of exercise such as High Intensity Interval Training aka HIIT.
What are the benefits?
I’m not going to bullet point the typical weight management benefits. Important? Absolutely! The main reason to workout? Heck no! I want to highlight how YOU , as a MOM, can benefit RIGHT NOW. And honestly, I want to yell these out loud because they are so important.
When you think about feeling busy, overwhelmed or deprived each day with everything going on, remember, you can add in little easy things that can change that. For example, a quick burst of movement can:
- Help Manage Stress
- Improve Sleep quality
- Remind you how amazing your body is and what it’s capable of
This is insanely awesome. Energizing, empowering, life changing benefits! Not focused on calories, what you ate, or what you don’t like about your body.
Why are quick workout routines at home the best?
Clearly exercise can transform our mom life, but there are so many advantages of short workouts at home. They are:
- Fast– leaves time to do other things
- Flexible– can do anytime, anywhere like in your living room, playroom, backyard or even kitchen or bathroom (yes, I’ve worked out in all these places!)
- Free–Don’t require equipment or membership
- Realistic– breaks are encouraged and part of short workouts–this is key when working out around kids
- Kid friendly– use your time together to move together!
- Liberating–focused on movement vs calories, distance, time (This has been life changing for me, personally!)
- Motivating— short and sweet can help you feel accomplished, actualize a goal and make you want to do it again tomorrow
- For everyone– Great for both beginners and athletic moms
And quick workouts can elicit feelings of gratitude. When you think of movement as a way to honor your body and celebrate all that you’re capable of, it gives it a whole new purpose. And no amount of time can restrict that.
What is the best short workout?
The best workout is one that you can do.
However, research does show that exercises such as full body HIIT workouts can be as effective as a longer jog. That is good news for us moms!! HIIT workouts focus on intervals of high intensity exercise alternated with short periods of less intense exercise.
Personally, my favorite type of HIIT exercise is called Tabata. This uses fast paced exercise with REST. Okay, it’s brief rest, like 10 seconds, but it’s so helpful!
This allows for:
- Staying motivated– 20 seconds is nothing right?!
- Rest allows me to tend to my kids (ie. grab a new toy, give a little hug)
- Metabolism boosts– our bodies still work even after we stop moving
Therefore, HIIT exercises help us work smarter and not longer. So cool!
What are some easy exercises to do at home?
HIIT workouts, while offering max effectiveness are just an example of one of the infinite ways to do a short workout. Here are some examples you can use as a point of inspiration. Have fun and find what works for you!
Cardiovascular exercise is best summed up as anything that gets that heart pumping!
- Dance with your kids
- Jog or brisk walk around the block (with stroller for added bonus!)
- Soccer/freeze tag
- jump rope
- Walk/jog up and down the stairs
HIIT alternates work with less work
- Run for 30 seconds, brisk walk for 1 minute and repeat 8 times
- 20 seconds of jumping jacks, 10 second rest, 20 seconds squats, rest. Repeat.
- Mountain climbers for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat
For guided workouts, check out YouTube. Here are some of my favorites:
- Holly Dolke (been doing her videos for years, she won me over with not having to wear shoes)
- 12 minutes Tabata (a fellow mom friend shared this last summer and LOVE the scenery)
- Fruits of the Spirit— kid friendly with exercise and song
Strength Training
Use your own body weight or grab a can of veggies for weights
- Lunges
- bicep curls
- Push up
- Plank
If you’re looking for guided instruction (I know I was when it comes to strength training!), I recommend following The Stronger Method, a smartphone app created by a physical therapist that simplifies exercises into “blocks.” You can customize workout based on how much time you have (ie. 10 minutes!)
Last but not least, balance and stretching. This is a key part of fitness that’s often overlooked. As moms, we run around and twist in funny ways so it’s important to stay supported. Need a quiet activity? Take a deep breath and do one of the following:
- Single leg balance
- Weight shifts
- Calf stretch
- Child’s pose
For guided how-to resource, click: balance or stretch
Even if you can only do a few minutes, don’t be discouraged. Read ahead for some good news!
Are 10 Minute workouts effective?
Yes, 10 minutes is effective! Let me explain why.
According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, we need at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week to experience the benefit of exercise.
Now, most people hear this as 5 days of 30 minutes of exercise.
However, I recommend taking the pressure off each day and thinking about it as a whole. Every minute of movement throughout the week counts!! This gives you the flexibility to move 25 minutes one day and 6 minutes the next without any feeling of failure.
And, if you are someone who likes to aim for a certain amount each day, here’s encouragement:
10+10+10 = 30
So even if you can’t find 30 minutes, can you find 10 minutes 3 times? Break up movement into small intervals that fit into your day.
So whether it’s 10 minutes of exercise, 5 minutes of exercise … and even just a couple minutes you can squeeze in, it’s all worth it!
Remember, when you learn to add in those little things throughout your day, those choices lead to bigger and better
What is a good daily home workout
I’ve always had the personal philosophy that sweat equals success–make the goal to break a sweat in whatever time, whatever way you can. And it should consist of these things:
- A short warm up– keeps you safe by warming up body preventing injury (ex: stairs, arm circles, jogging in place
- Movement that you enjoy
- Being proud of yourself when done
- An easy way to tack on a couple more minutes of movement is to play–Simon says, crab races or duck, duck, goose
- Increase the workout challenge by including weights when applicable (and you feel safe)
- Don’t give up
- Didn’t work out? Drink water, follow a good morning routine, and get some fresh air. It’s okay!
Bottom Line
Stop using your kids or time as an excuse for not getting in some exercise. Incorporate it into your day without changing your routine. You’ll reap the benefits–more energy, less stress and fun memories as healthier habits form. Sure, you can still schedule times during the week where you can go to the gym or run interrupted, but that’s also not necessary to get in a good, effective workout.
Quick workouts at home are always there for you — choose how to make them work. Get moving, mama, you’ve got this.
….and you’ve got some little eyes watching you, too.
Full Hands & Heart
I’d love to know– has this post encouraged you to move today? What quick workout is your favorite? Please leave a comment below.
And if you’re looking to add some movement in this week, I’ve made it easy for you! Download my free 7 day movement challenge!
I can do all things who Christ who strengthens me
Philippians 4:13
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